Monday, March 18, 2013

The Pope who loved soccer

Pope Francis roots for the Saints, not the Devils.

The Saints of San Lorenzo de Almagro, that is — one of Argentina’s top five soccer teams.

The first Latin American pontiff grew up near the team’s stadium in Flores, a middle class neighborhood in Buenos Aires.

This screen shot image released by the San Lorenzo de Almagro soccer team shows a copy of the club's identification card belonging to Argentina's Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. ​​The new pope is a card-carrying member of the team’s  club and has his own Saints jersey, presented to him in 2011 after he said Mass at the team’s own chapel.

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It appears that the new Pope, Pope Francis I, is a soccer fan. He is a member of the Saints of San Lorenzo de Almagro fan club, a team he grew up watching and cheering.

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