Sunday, February 17, 2013

Government set to dump school laptops scheme

The Federal Government has indicated it will not continue funding the high school laptop program for years 9 to 12 students.

Almost 1 million computers have been issued since 2008 as part of Labor's Digital Education Revolution, but funding for the scheme is set to run out in June 2013.

Year 9 students will still receive their laptops at the start of the school year.

Federal School Education Minister Peter Garrett says the Government provided the upfront investment and the states must now pay their fair share.

"The Commonwealth always said we would get this going by providing the opportunity for high school students to have access to a laptop. We've delivered on that commitment," he said.

"We'll negotiate with the states on where that can be taken, but...

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The Australian government has been providing high school students with laptop computers since 2008. From 2013, it will be up to the schools to devise a plan regarding the technology students use. What are the advantages of students using their own devices at school?

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